A Request from the Orcas Island Health Care District Board & Superintendent - Soliciting Advocacy Participation
Hospital District Supporters –
As you know, Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) exists to protect and improve the health of our community, and is at a pivotal moment in its existence. We are excited to report back that last week the Commissioners approved a non-binding term sheet codifying a long-term renewal of our relationship with Island Health. We are proud of the work of many Islanders, for many years, to get us to this point of securing a long-term relationship for primary care services and beyond. At the same time, the next pivotal step of OIHCD's journey towards protecting and improving on-island healthcare is to secure the funding needed to invest in the long-term goals of the District. Yesterday, Monday the 17th, OIHCD Commissioners voted to seek additional tax dollar support from our community in the April 2025 special election.
As community members and constitutents of the hospital district, We are requesting your participation in an advocacy group on behalf of the San Juan County Public Hospital District #3, to support this potential levy lid lift ballot measure. As a special purpose district, the District cannot lead advocacy efforts, but can help to organize an advocacy committee through solicitation activities. We are looking for individuals who would be interested in helping to lead an advocacy group, and participate in regular meetings leading up to the special election on April 22nd.
If you or someone you know would like to be a primary contact for an advocacy committee, we welcome your leadership. Please reach out to Superintendent Chord by email (chrisc@orcashealth.org) or phone (360-317-3545.)
We expect these meetings to begin in late February or early March, with meetings every other week.
We are also seeking community members for an "against" group. Please let us know if you have any candidates for that committee.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more information with you all over the next few months.
With your consideration -
Orcas Island Health Care District Board of Commissioners & Superintendent