Job Opening – OIHCD Superintendent, By Tom Eversole / August 12, 2022
Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) is seeking applicants for the position of District Superintendent. The Superintendent position is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the delivery of healthcare for the members of our community. The Superintendent is the chief executive and operations officer of the district with a wide range of functions including financial and administrative responsibilities, providing Board support, and interfacing with our community. The Superintendent provides strategic leadership and serves as liaison to the leaders of our partner, Island Health, and to the leadership of the primary care clinic supported by the district. See: Superintendent Job Description.
2022_07_28-Orcas-Island-Superintendent.pdfThe District has engaged the Seattle recruiting firm of Herd Freed Hartz Executive Search to help fill the position. Interested persons may contact Scott Rabinowitz 323-574-5554 or Fred Pabst 206-299-2140 direct | 206-713-6677 cell.