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Sustainable, Community-Based Care

As a Public Hospital District, our mission is to ensure that quality primary, acute, and after-hours medical care is available to all community members in a financially sustainable and cost-effective manner, tailored to the needs of the island.

The Orcas Island Health Care District (a.k.a., San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 3) is led by a Board of Commissioners elected by Orcas Island residents. As a public hospital district, we use a small amount of property taxes to keep health care services on-island.

The Orcas Island Health Care District Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to ask San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 3 (Orcas Island) residents to approve a 10-year temporary 28.5¢ increase in its annual property tax levy on the April 2025 ballot. If approved, Orcas Island Health Care District's levy rate would increase from 41.5¢ to 70¢ per $1,000 of assessed property value. The proposition needs the support of a simple majority of votes to pass.

On your April 8 ballot, you’ll have the opportunity to support the essential primary care services our community depends on.

Why a Levy Lift is Necessary

Expected Case:  Without a levy increase, we have funding to sustain for 5 years. Our current economics are not sustainable, if nothing changes we could run out of money by 2029.

Forecast graph shows revenue, expense, and total cash from 2024-2029. Revenue, expense grow; total cash decrease by 2029.

What the Levy Does

The 10 Year Temporary Levy Lift is a critical part of our plan to fulfill our mission. 

A simple majority will allow the district to:

  • Maintain and enhance current primary care services 
  • Reduce off island trips / keep care on island​
  • Improve islanders’ economic positions / accelerate economic development (more good paying jobs and less costs spent traveling for healthcare)​
  • Expand to new services and modernize our facility​
  • Provide temporary housing for healthcare workers

This clinic and these services are owned by Orcas Island residents, and we are committed to ensuring we can continue to meet Islander’s healthcare needs where it matters most— close to home.

Why are we called a "public hospital district"?

A building with a dark roof, surrounded by trees against a vibrant orange and purple sunset sky.

Public Hospital Districts (PHDs) are community-created, governmental entities with a mission to deliver needed health services to district residents and others in the districts’ service areas. Owned and governed by local citizens, hospital districts tailor their services to meet the unique needs of their communities. Orcas Island residents established the Orcas Health Care District as a PHD in 2018 to keep primary care on-island, and we are proud to be community-owned.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many patients does Island Health Primary Care-Orcas serve? 
  • In 2023, the clinic saw 3654 unique patients for a total of 10,573 clinic visits.
  • In 2024, the clinic saw 3813 unique patients for a total of 11,053 clinic visits.

Approximately 55% of patients use Medicare/AppleHealth and 40% use commercial insurance.

If the Temporary Levy Lid Lift passes, how will it affect my property tax? 

Starting in 2026, the Temporary Levy Lid Lift will increase your property tax an additional 28.5 cents per $1000  of assessed property value for the next 10 years.  Assessed property tax implications below:

  • $500,000 assessed property value = $142.50 additional tax
  • $750,000 assessed property value = $213.75 additional tax
  • $1,000,000 assessed property value = $285.00 additional tax
  • $2,000,000 assessed property value = $570 additional tax
What happens if the Temporary Levy Lid Lift does not pass? 

Without additional funding, by 2029, Orcas Island Health Care District will not be able to grow and respond to the community's healthcare needs. With your support, we will be able to keep up with the rising costs associated with healthcare technology, equipment, and facility updates to meet the needs of our community.

How do I find out if I qualify for a tax exemption or deferral? 

Senior citizens or persons with disabilities may qualify for tax exemptions or tax deferrals. For more information on thse options, please contact the San Juan County's Assessor's office at (360) 378-2172 or visit

2025 April Special Voters Guide Pamphlet Insert

Explanatory Statement 

Written by Stacey Crawshaw-Lewis, Pacifica Law Group LLP

Orcas Island Health Care District has proposed a levy lid lift to fund primary care services, acute/urgent care services, and other health care services, including after-hours care, and related specialties, facilities and programs. If approved, this proposition would authorize a 10 year increase in the District’s regular property tax levy. The District’s current levy rate is $0.41503 per $1,000 of assessed value; the proposition would authorize the 2026 levy rate to increase to $0.70 per $1,000, which is below the $0.75 per $1,000 maximum statutory rate for public hospital district regular levies. If approved, the 2026 levy amount would be used as the basis to calculate subsequent levies for the following nine years (through 2035) as allowed by Chap. 84.55 RCW. The levy lid lift is temporary and would expire after 2035.

As further described in Resolution 2025-01, the purpose of the levy lid lift is to provide additional revenues to be used to fund operating and capital costs of on-island primary and acute/urgent medical care (including after-hours care) and primary care adjacent specialties, facilities and programs, including by maintaining and expanding current primary care services, modernizing facilities, and providing temporary housing for healthcare workers. This measure would cost the owner of a $1,000,000 assessed value property approximately 285 additional dollars per year for 10 years.

This measure would raise approximately $1,300,000 in additional funding for the District in 2026 and for each of the following nine years.

Ballot Measure 

San Juan County Public Hospital District No. 3

Proposition No. 1: Orcas Island Health Care District 10-year temporary levy lid lift

This proposition would increase the District's regular levy for 10 years to fund operating and capital costs of primary care services, acute/urgent care services, and other health care services, including after-hours care, and for related specialties, facilities and programs. It authorizes a maximum regular property levy rate of $0.70/$1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2026. The 2026 levy amount would be used to compute the limitations for subsequent levies (through 2035).


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